How to Master a Flavorful Moroccan Tagine with Apricots and Almonds?

The Moroccan tagine, a rich stew slowly simmered in an earthenware pot, is a cornerstone of Moroccan cuisine. This traditional dish takes its name from the distinctive conical lid-covered dish in which it is prepared and served. The slow cooking technique allows the flavors to develop fully, resulting in a meal that is not only delicious but also deeply satisfying. Today, we’ll explore a unique variation of this classic Moroccan staple – a tagine with chicken, apricots, almonds, and a blend of Moroccan spices.

Sourcing the Ingredients

For this recipe, you’ll need a good-quality chicken, dried apricots, and almonds. These three ingredients form the base of our tagine. The addition of apricots provides a sweet contrast to the savory chicken, while the almonds add a delightful crunch. Moroccan cuisine is known for its bold flavors, achieved through the use of various spices. For this tagine, we will be using ground cinnamon, black pepper, and a bit of heat from cayenne pepper.

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It’s recommended to find a local butcher for the chicken to ensure its quality and freshness. Dried apricots and almonds can be found in most grocery stores, but try to opt for organic if possible. When looking for spices, check out your local international food markets. They often carry a wider variety of quality spices and may even offer pre-mixed Moroccan spice blends.

Preparing the Ingredients

Before you start cooking, there are some preparation steps you should take to ensure your tagine is as flavorful as possible.

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First, soak your dried apricots in a cup of water. This hydrates the apricots, enhancing their sweetness and making them softer for cooking. While the apricots soak, toast your almonds. This can be done in a dry pan over medium heat. Be sure to keep an eye on them, as they can easily burn.

The chicken should be cut into pieces. You can ask your butcher to do this, or you can do it yourself at home. Once the chicken is cut, it needs to be seasoned. Combine your ground cinnamon, black pepper, and cayenne pepper, then rub this mixture all over the chicken pieces.

Cooking the Tagine

Heat a generous amount of oil in the bottom of your tagine (or a large, deep pan if you don’t have a tagine). Add the seasoned chicken pieces and cook until they’re browned on all sides. This should take about 10 minutes. Once the chicken is browned, add your hydrated apricots and toasted almonds.

Next, add water to the tagine, just enough to cover the ingredients. Let the tagine simmer for about an hour. This long, slow cooking process allows the flavors to meld together and the ingredients to become tender.

Serving the Tagine

A traditional Moroccan tagine is often served with couscous, which makes it a complete, satisfying meal. Couscous can be prepared according to the package instructions while the tagine is cooking.

When the tagine is ready, carefully remove it from the heat. Moroccan tagines are often served directly from the cooking vessel, with the top of the tagine removed just before serving. This creates a dramatic presentation, and allows the delicious aroma of the cooked tagine to fill the room.

Spoon the couscous onto individual plates, and top it with the chicken, apricots, and almonds from the tagine. Be sure to include plenty of the delicious sauce.

Adapting the Recipe

What if you prefer lamb instead of chicken? Or want to add some other flavors to your tagine? The beauty of Moroccan tagine is that it’s really adaptable.

You can switch the chicken for lamb, beef, or even a mixture of vegetables if you prefer a vegetarian option. Other dried fruits like prunes or dates can be used instead of apricots, or you can use a mix for different flavors and textures. Other nuts like pistachios or walnuts can be used instead of almonds.

You can also play around with the spices. Saffron, turmeric, and ginger are all popular in Moroccan cooking and can be added to your spice blend. Just remember, the key to a successful tagine is balance; the spices should enhance the ingredients, not overpower them.

Finally, don’t forget to experiment and make the recipe your own. The best part of cooking is putting your own spin on a classic dish, so feel free to get creative with your Moroccan tagine.

Perfecting the Cooking Technique

To truly master the art of preparing a Moroccan tagine, it’s crucial to understand and perfect the traditional cooking techniques. Remember, the secret to a great tagine lies in slow-cooking, which allows the flavors to fully develop.

Start by heating some olive oil in the tagine pot. Once it’s hot, add the chicken pieces. Browning the chicken is an important step, as it locks in the flavors and gives the meat a delightful texture. Then, mix in the spices, allowing them to cook for a few minutes until they release their aroma. This is known as "blooming" the spices, and it intensifies their flavors.

Next, it’s time to add your apricots and almonds, followed by enough water to cover the ingredients. Then, cover your tagine and let it gently simmer. Try to resist the temptation to lift the lid and stir, as this can disrupt the cooking process. The steam that builds up in the tagine helps cook the ingredients evenly and keeps the chicken moist.

After about an hour, your tagine should be ready. The chicken will be tender, the apricots softened, and the almonds still slightly crunchy. The sauce will have thickened, with the flavors of the spices, chicken, apricots, and almonds beautifully melded together.

Pairing Your Tagine

The final step to mastering a Moroccan tagine is knowing how to pair it for a complete meal. As mentioned before, couscous is a popular accompaniment, readily soaking up the flavorful sauce. A simple green salad dressed with lemon and olive oil can provide a fresh contrast to the rich tagine.

In Morocco, a tagine is often enjoyed with Moroccan bread, or Khobz, which is used to scoop up the stew. You may also consider serving your tagine with a side of spicy harissa or a refreshing yogurt sauce.

Moroccan mint tea, known as "Moroccan whiskey" due to its popularity, can be a perfect drink to serve with your tagine, as its refreshing taste balances the richness of the dish. If you prefer wine, opt for a full-bodied red wine to complement the hearty flavors of your tagine.


Mastering a Moroccan chicken tagine with apricots and almonds isn’t just about following a recipe – it’s about understanding the ingredients, the cooking techniques, and the culture that this dish comes from. With its vibrant flavors, contrasting textures, and enticing aroma, a well-made tagine is a culinary journey to Morocco.

Remember, the essence of Moroccan cuisine is the artful blending of spices and the balance between sweet and savory elements. Therefore, don’t be afraid to adjust the spices to your liking or to experiment with different ingredients. After all, the best thing about cooking is the freedom to make a dish uniquely your own.

Finally, enjoy the process. From the moment you start preparing the ingredients, to the anticipation as the tagine slowly simmers, to the satisfaction of serving a delicious, home-cooked meal – relish each step. And when you’ve mastered this recipe, go ahead and explore other variations of Moroccan tagine. Each one holds an exciting, flavorful adventure.